Early Childhood Education
Certification (ECEC) for Teachers

An education certification program available for teachers at primary schools and nurseries. The program is provided in both languages, Arabic and English.

Program Learning Outcomes

1. Solve problems independently and reflect on their own work
2. Resolve pedagogical challenges and utilize the curriculum as a means to mirror and enhance the cultural richness of the school as a community
3. Develop comprehension of early childhood concepts and methodologies from a holistic perspective
4. Use safe, clean, and appropriately challenging materials that foster curiosity, exploration, play, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills
5. Implement learning materials and equipment that respect diversity in developmental abilities, family composition, and cultural backgrounds
6. Demonstrate skill in communicating with children, and family members about program goals/philosophy, events, and children’s activities
7. Modify the learning environment to support curiosity, exploration, and play among children
8. Develop a high-quality pedagogy of early childhood education and Arabic language and culture
9. Identify opportunities to participate in collective decision-making within their schools
10. Identify the qualities and characteristics of good learning communities

Program Overview

  • Duration of ECEC teachers’ professional certificate program: 16 weeks
  • Number of modules at ECEC teachers’ professional certificate program: 12 modules

The fields of training to be covered at ECEC Teachers’ professional certificate program are as follows:

      • Childhood and Children’s Development
      • Pedagogy of Early Childhood Education
      • Early Childhood Education Teachers as Agents of Development
      • Childhood Development: Neuroscience & Language

The twelve modules of ECEC Teachers’ professional certificate program are:

      • Module I:       Childhood and Children in Society
      • Module II:     Children as Developing and Social Actors
      • Module III:     Pedagogy and the Curriculum in Early Childhood Education
      • Module IV:    Play as a Cultural, Developmental, and Pedagogical Phenomenon
      • Module V:     STEM Education and Inquiry-based Learning in Early Childhood Education
      • Module VI:    Language, Literature, and Integration in Art
      • Module VII:   Curriculum Implementation and Development in Education
      • Module VIII:  High-quality Early Childhood Education Development
      • Module IX:    Assessment, Documentation, and Collaboration with Parents
      • Module X:     Professional Development and Life-long Learning
      • Module XI:    Language Education Development in Neuroscience for Early Childhood
      • Module XII:   Professional Practice in Early Childhood Education Setting

Entry Requirements

In order to be considered for entry, applicants must have:

      • an undergraduate degree in any discipline or equivalent; and
      • active position in teaching at a primary school or nursery; and
      • Proficiency in either Arabic or English language (read, written, and spoken)
      • Completed and submitted a 500-word personal statement outlining why they wish to be considered for this professional certificate program.

*Meeting these requirements does not guarantee acceptance of registration.

Program Fees

ECEC Teachers’ Program



Registration Application Fee

AED 100


Program Enrollment Fee

AED 7,840


Total Fee

AED 7,940


Payment Structure

ECEC Program

For Individual Participant

Payment Date

Registration Application Fee

AED 100

Paid upon registration

Program Enrollment Fee, first 50%

AED 3,920

After accepting the application and a link is shared for completing the enrollment

Program Enrollment Fee, second 50%

AED 3,920

Two months after the program training initiation

* Sharjah educators and leaders wishing to join the Early Childhood Education Certification program will be granted a discounted rate on the overall program enrollment fees.

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