سعادة د. محدثة الهاشمي
رئيس أكاديمية الشارقة للتعليم

أ.د. بولين تايلور غاي
مدير الأكاديمية

أ. خولة الحوسني

نائب مدير الأكاديمية

د. تيد برينتون
عميد التعليم – المؤسس

أ. أسامــة نصــــر
 رئيس العمليات بالإنابة – مدير التسويق

أ. بابو جوزي

رئيس قسم تكنولوجيا المعلومات

هل لديك استفسارات؟

اتصل بنا

Our Vision

Lead, innovate and enable excellence in a diverse learning community

Our Mission

To enrich the learning community by equipping educators with life-long learning competencies through diverse and innovative professional development, academic programs, and research

Professional Development Track

This offers programmes that contribute to the development of schools as institutions, which target teachers and educational leaders as individuals.

Academic Track

This provides participants with the opportunity to obtain professional diplomas, masters and doctorates.

Research and Studies Track

This provides academic research to serve the educational field, with forward-looking research that relies on industrial intelligence and building a new education model to support decision-makers.